About Us
Scout is the world's leading educational youth movement
Since 1995, 6th Richmond Hill Scout Troop brought a world of adventure, outdoor experience, friendship, and fun to many 11-14 years old boys & girls. Today, many of our alumni are accomplished citizens serving in many fields – education, engineer, government, finance, medical, science, and more.

A Video From Our Youth
It starts with Scouts.
Scouts aged 11-14 learn to blaze their own trail, delving into more leadership opportunities by planning adventures with their Troop and giving back to their community in a meaningful way. We are a place to discover new things and embark on great adventures – take a look at a video produced by our Troop at 6th Richmond Hill Group. Video production credit goes to our youth in the Fox Patrol (PL Chloe T, APL Natanya H, Gary H, Matthew W, Raphaela T) and their SPL Prentice H.