About Us

Who we are

Blaze A Trail

Since 1995, the 6th Richmond Hill Scout Troop has brought a world of adventure, outdoor experience, friendship, and fun to many 11-14 years old boys & girls. Today, many of our alumni are accomplished citizens serving in many fields – education, engineer, government, finance, medical, science, and more.

Scouts aged 11-14 learn to blaze their own trail, delving into more leadership opportunities by planning adventures with their Troop and giving back to their community in a meaningful way.

Scouts can take their outdoor adventure skills to the next level with activities like mountain biking, rock climbing and lots of camping, and explore memorable opportunities like national or international jamborees.

Through Scouts, youth discover their unique capabilities and personal progression as they discover the world through Scouting.

Our approach

Our Mission

To help develop well-rounded youth, better prepared for success in the world.

Our Vision

Canadian youth making a meaningful contribution to creating a better world.

The Scout Method

Scouts Canada engages youth, involving them throughout their formative years in a non-formal educational process, using a specific Method that makes each individual the principal agent of his or her development as a self-reliant, supportive, responsible and committed person. The Scout Method is an approach unique to Scouting throughout the world (World Association of the Scouting Movement’s Scouting: An Educational System) and includes each of the following eight elements: 

  • Scout Law and Promise 
  • Learning by Doing 
  • The Team System 
  • A Symbolic Framework 
  • Nature 
  • Personal Progression 
  • Adult Support 
  • Community Involvement 

The Scout Law

A Scout is helpful and trustworthy,
Kind and cheerful,
Considerate and clean,
and wise in the use of all resources.

The Scout Promise

On my honour;
I promise that I will do my best;
To do my duty to God and the King;
To help other people at all times;
and to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.

Meetings are held every Thursday from 7:00 PM to 9:15 PM at St. Augustine Catholic High School (2188 Rodick Road, Markham)

Have more questions?

send us an email

Troop @ 6thRichmondHillScoutGroup .org - or click the button!