Effective September 1, 2022
Scouts Canada is currently running a staged return to Scouting based on geographical location. Currently, Shining Waters Council is on Stage 5 of the Scouts Canada’s Return to Scouting plan.
Following Federal, Provincial, and Municipal health guild lines, Scouts Canada has decided to remove it’s Mandatory Vaccination Policy. As a result, effective September 1, 2022 at 12:01 AM, members will no longer have to self declare and be vaccinated to participate in activities.
Effective March 21, 2022 at 12:01 AM, masking requirements in most settings were removed. 6th Richmond Hill Scout Group has decided to reflect provincial and local regulations on masks being optional. Our Group still highly recommends masking in all settings where practical, and will adjust our practices accordingly to changes within our Group as well as provincial and local regulations.
Here is an overview of Stage 5:
- Size of gatherings – Outdoors: Outdoor Scouting activities have no limit on the number of participants, physical distancing of 2 meters and masks highly recommended
- Size of gatherings – Indoors: Indoor Scouting activities have no limit on the number of participants, physical distancing of 2 meters and masks highly recommended
- Patrols: No restrictions
- Sharing of equipment: No restrictions
- Camping: All sections are allowed to camp indoors or outdoors.
- 2-Scouter Rule to be observed
A at-a-glance view of Scouts Canada’s Stage Progression can be found here.
Here is an overview of Scouts Canada’s actions regarding program, Scouts Canada shops and properties:
- Scouts Canada properties are excited to welcome back campers for summer 2022. As restrictions ease across the country, Scouts Canada properties continue to ensure that the health and safety of our membership is of utmost priority and follow all provincial and local regulations. Please refer to our Camps page for more information.
- All Scout Shops are permanently closed.
- Scoutshop.ca remains available.
- Scouts Canada’s list of Frequently Asked Questions can be found on their website here.
Please refer to Scouts Canada’s website or Ontario’s COVID 19 website for additional information.
If you have any questions, please reach out to one of the Section Scouters. Thank you for everyone’s patience and understanding. Stay safe!