About Us
Who we are
Explore The Jungle
With the Cub motto, “Do Your Best”, girls and boys aged 8-10 take on new challenges with their Cub Pack, embarking on outdoor adventures and exploring a variety of fun activities like STEM projects and cultural experiences.
As a Pack, Cub Scouts plan adventures like hikes, weekend camps and water activities (like canoeing and kayaking), discovering their unique capabilities and personal progression along the way.
In Cub Scouts youth can sleep beneath the stars, hike with gear on their backs, eat gooey marshmallows on a stick or see an otter splashing in a stream just a few feet away.
Our approach
Our Mission
To help develop well-rounded youth, better prepared for success in the world.
Our Vision
Canadian youth making a meaningful contribution to creating a better world.
The Scout Method
Scouts Canada engages youth, involving them throughout their formative years in a non-formal educational process, using a specific Method that makes each individual the principal agent of his or her development as a self-reliant, supportive, responsible and committed person. The Scout Method is an approach unique to Scouting throughout the world (World Association of the Scouting Movement’s Scouting: An Educational System) and includes each of the following eight elements:
- Scout Law and Promise
- Learning by Doing
- The Team System
- A Symbolic Framework
- Nature
- Personal Progression
- Adult Support
- Community Involvement
The Cub Scout Law
The Cub respects the old wolf,
The Cub respects him/herself.
The Cub Scout Promise
I promise to do my best,
To love and serve God,
To do my duty to the King;
To keep the law of the Wolf Cub Pack,
And to do a good turn for somebody every day.